Development and evaluation of agronomic and qualitative traits of hybrids derived from tissue culture clones of male sterile parent in sugar beet

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Associate Professor of Sugar Beet Seed Institute (SBSI) - Agricultural Research Education and Extension, Karaj,Iran

2 Expert of Sugar Beet Seed Institute (SBSI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran



Preservation of the characteristics of the parent lines forming the hybrid variety through tissue culture leads to the stability and uniformity of the hybrid variety. In this research, in the first year, flowering stem parts were cultivated in in vitro conditions and produced shoots or clones. Then the propagated clones were transferred to larger pots in the greenhouse and also in the steckling field and vernalized in winter in Karaj. In the spring of the second year, the vernalized clones were transferred to the isolated field in Ardabil and planted in separate lines along with the pollinator parent roots of the hybrid that had already been prepared and vernalized and the hybrid seeds were harvested from the plants of tissue culture clones and cleaned. In autumn of the second year, the hybrid seeds obtained from two types of maternal parent clones along with the control cultivars were planted in the fields of three regions of Dezful, Darab and Gachsaran in an experimental design and required care and recordings were done. In June of the third year, the roots were harvested and quantitative and qualitative analysis was done at SBSI and the data were analyzed by variance. In the autumn of the third year, again the hybrid seeds obtained from two types of maternal parent clones along with the control cultivars were planted in the fields of two regions of Dezful and Gachsaran in an experimental design and required care and recordings were done. In June of the fourth year, the roots were harvested and quantitative and qualitative analysis was done at SBSI and the data were analyzed by variance. The statistical results during the two years of the yield trials showed that the tissue culture clone hybrid No. SBSI-51-1 with an average root yield of 99.10 tons per hectare, white sugar yield of 12.82 tons per hectare, and 1.44 % bolting compared to other experimental varieties has a significant advantage. In this research, for the first time, the seed of a commercial hybrid was developed from the cross between its pollinator parent and maternal male sterile parent (tissue culture clone), which had good yield and uniformity in the field.


Main Subjects

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