Guide for Authors


Guide to Authors

Journal of sugar beet publishes the manuscripts resulted from direct and indirect researches on different facets of sugar beet, preferably in both English and Persian, which have not been sent to other journals for publication. The invaluable relevant reviews are accepted, too.

All manuscripts should be prepared according to the following instruction:

1. Preparation and submission

Whole manuscript must be typed on A4-sized paper with 1 cm line spacing margined 3 cm from all four sides. All chemical symbols, abbreviations and acronyms should be defined at the first mention. The manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages.

The manuscripts can be sent and tracked through

2. Manuscript specifications document

All manuscripts must be attached with a paper including complete title of the manuscript, authors' names and surnames, academic degrees and affiliations, corresponding author's email and the location of the research. In addition, this attached paper must be signed by all authors and all the colleagues who have participated in the preparation of the proposal led to the manuscript.

3. Sections

The different sections of the manuscripts must be arranged as Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement (if required) and References. Results and Discussion can be either discrete or integrated in a single section. The English versions of the manuscripts should include Abstract in Persian, too and vice versa.

3-1. Title

The title must be concise and fluent, not exceeding 25 words. Authors' names and surnames must be typed under the title subtitled with their academic degree and affiliation, and corresponding author's address and e-mail.

3-2. Abstract and keywords

Abstract is a concise and fluent summary of the manuscript with an emphasis on the objective, research method, results and discussion which should not exceed 200 words and must be prepared in a single paragraph (no reference must be cited in Abstract).

Keywords are the most important specific words of the manuscript which are used for indexing. They must be mentioned under Abstract. Persian and English versions of the abstract must be wholly identical.

3-3. Introduction

This section includes an introduction and rationale of the study where the similar studies are adequately referred. Introduction should clearly explain the significance and objective of the study.

3-4. Materials and Methods

This section includes a full account of materials used, how the research was conducted, the design of the research, the timing, the location and the applied statistical methods. Authors should avoid including the full explanation of the classical methods and texts and only it suffices to include the title, the summary of the methods, their principles and references suffices.

3-5. Results

The results of the study are presented by the aid of text, tables and figures. The text and tables should not duplicated by figures, diagrams or any other means.

The captions of the tables must be placed above them starting with the term "Table" followed by the sequential number and the title. The captions must be as succinct as possible, but they should represent the main traits and figures inside the tables. Each column must have a title with the unit if required. If the units of the figures are the same, it can be included in the caption. Additional comments must be included under the tables referred to by figures/letter inside the tables.

The results must be reflected in table only as statistical summaries using appropriate scientific methods, except when it is necessary to include raw information. The tables should be placed immediately after their first referral.

Figures include photos, diagrams and graphs. The photos must be black and white as much as possible, clear, and illustrative with scale (as required). Their files must be sent with the manuscript, too. The captions of the figures must be placed under them which start with the term "Fig." followed by the number and the main characteristics of the figures which should be succinct. The photos must be computerized files and the data of the diagrams should be included in the files, too.

If the results are presented in some sub-sections, they must be numbered.

3-6. Discussion

It is the most important section where all the results and the recommendations are analyzed. It is necessary that

-        the results of similar studies are compared with those of the manuscript, and

-        recommendations must be made on the basis of the results. They must be clear and doubtless.

3-7. Acknowledgement

If required, the sponsors and supporting organizations which are not included as the authors can be acknowledged in this section, but it must not exceed four lines.

3-8. References

The references are mentioned inside the body of the manuscript after citing to them. It must be written as the surname of the author followed by the publication year. If a reference has two authors, both must be written and if it has more than two authors, only the surname of the first author is included followed by "et al." typed in Italic.

The Reference Section at the end of the text must be written on the basis of Reference Vancouver Style sorted alphabetically. If an author has more than one work referred two, they must be sorted chronologically.

The referred works are typed in this order: surname, the first letter of the first name, title, full name of the journal, publication year, volume number, issue number in parenthesis, pages. Here are some examples for difference sources:

Book: Munshower FF. Disturbed land revegetation, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL., 1994; pp. 265.

Article: Rodrigues MA, Pereira A, Cabanas JE, Dias L, Pires J, Arrobas M. Crops use-efficiency of nitrogen from manures permitted in organic farming. Eur J Agron. 2006; 25(4): 328-35.

Published conference paper: Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. In: Lun KC. Degoulet P.Piemme TE, Reinhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sep 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam: North Holland; 1992. P. 1561-5

Thesis: Kay JG, Intracellular cytokine trafficking and phagocytosis in macrophages (PhD thesis). St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland; 2007.

Journal Article on the Internet: Collinge DB, Kragh KM, Mikkelsen JD, Nielsen KK, Rasmussen U, Vad K. Plant chitinases. Plant J 1993 Jan, 3 (1), 31–40. doi:10.1046/j.1365-313X.1993.t01-1-00999.x

Report: Page E, Harney JM. Health hazard evaluation report. Cincinnati (OH): National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (US); 2001 Feb. 24 p. Report. No.:HETA2000-0139-2824

Additional Notes

-         The authors holds the full responsibility of the manuscript.

-         The manuscripts are respectively published after being accepted by the Editorial Board.

-         The number 0-9 must be written in verbal form and the others in numerical form.

-         The paragraphs should be indented by 1 cm.

-         Comma (,) must be followed by one blank and periods must be followed by two blanks.

-        The manuscripts must be sent to

-         The Editorial Board has the full right to accept, revise or edit the manuscripts.

- There are no submission and publication charges applicable to the submitted and published articles. The journal is "Open Access".

- license is  Creative Commons: CC BY 4.0

- The full-text articles are published in both Persian and English languages