Keywords = Rhizoctonia solani
Biological control of rhizoctonia root rot in sugar beet in Iran

Volume 35, Issue 1, September 2019, Pages 63-79


A. Arjmandian; S. Mirzaei; D. Zafari

Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani damping off of sugar beet with native Streptomyces isolates under greenhouse and field conditions

Volume 25, Issue 2, April 2010, Pages 191-177


A. Sadeghi; A. R. Hesan; H. Askari; D. Naderi Qomi; M. Farsi; E. Karimi; E. Majidi Hervan; M. Omidvari; P. Abbaszadeh Dehaji

Investigation on biological control of sugar beet damping-off disease by some isolates of Trichoderma harizanum Rafai

Volume 21, Issue 1, September 2005, Pages 75-57


M. Shahiri Tabarestani; M. Falahati Rastegar; B. Jafarpour; H. Rohani

Investigation of antagonistic effect of Bacillus subtilis on biological control of sugar beet damping - off disease

Volume 20, Issue 2, April 2005, Pages 161-175


M. Shahiri Tabarestani; M. Falahati Rastegar; B. Jafarpour; H. Rohani