Document Type : Scientific - Research
Assistant professor of Sugar Beet Research Department, Hamedan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center (AREEO), Hamedan, Iran.
Assistant Professor of Sugar Beet Research Department, Hamedan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Hamedan, Iran.
Associate Professor in Weed Science, Department of Production Engineering and Plant Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
Rhizoctonia root and crown rot is one of the most important diseases in sugar beet fields of Iran. Production cost reduction, especially pesticides reduction cause to increase the efficiency of disease control by using resistant varieties. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously develop new resistant hybrids and the role of pollinator in obtaining sugar beet hybrid cultivar is so important. In order to evaluate the resistant pollinator lines, 27 pollinator lines along with two resistant checks (FC 709-2 and Novodoro) and one susceptible check (191) were evaluated for Rhizoctonia resistance under artificial inoculation with Rh133 isolate based on randomized complete block design with three replications in microplot conditions of Hamedan in 2022. The evaluation methods were using of SIIG index, cluster and biplot analysis. The pollinator lines No.2, No.21, No.1, No.20, No.5 and No.10 provided the greatest value of SIIG index and displayed the minimal deviation from the ideal pollinator line. Cluster analysis divided sugar beet lines into six groups. Our results showed that three lines of No.1, No.2 and No.21 that were placed within a similar group with Novodoro resistant control in the first cluster and also four lines of No.5, No.9, No.10 and No.20 that were situated within a similar group with FC 709-2 resistant control in the fourth cluster, were recognized as resistant lines. Biplot results illustrated that the lines No.1, No.2, No.20, No.21, No.10 and No.5 were located in suitable position from biplot based on resistance indices. In general, the pollinator lines No.1 (S1 – 140279), No.2 (S1 – 140282), No.5 (S1 – 140287), No.10 (S1 – 140296), No.20 (S1 – 140316) and No.21 (S1 – 140321), which were recognized as resistant lines can be suggested for future breeding programs.
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