A study of Yield and chemical composition of stock beet variation and comparison with alfalfa and maize

Document Type : Scientific and technical


Researcher of Sugar Beet Seed Institute


Lock beet, a. tuber crop, in planted as a food source for feeding live stocks in European _ and American countries. Its root and leaves are used either freshly or as silage for feeding at dairy cows beef. stock beet cultivation is not common in  Iran. During the years 1978 and 1979, therefore, this crop along with alfalfa and maize ( which are two common forage crops in this country) parameters each crop were harvested on individual plot basis, and characters such as areal part yield and chemical composition crude fat ,crude protein, ash, crude fibers, and Nitrogen-Free-Extract(N.F.E) were determined for individual varieties in short the following results were obtained: Alfalfa had an average yield of 12.48 t/h of dry ·matter over the two years, maize an average of 10.11 t/h was ranked second and stock beet had the lowest (8.71)t/h dry matter yield. Consideration: It seems cultivation these crops under different regional condition of the country is highly recommendable. However for more accurate results, other experiments are needed.
