The effects of planting date on tolerance of sugar beet cultivars to beet cyst nematode in West Azarbaijan



1 Agricultural Research Center of West Azarbijan, Iran

2 Department of plant protection, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

3 Plant pests and Diseases Research Institute, Tehran, Iran


During the years of 1988, and 1990 sixteen sugar beet cultivars (cv) based on two experiments were planted at north veghasslou in W. Azarbaijan province.  These were : BR1, IC 6203 , IC 6201, polyrave, 8001, PP3, PP18, Polybeta, PP15, H5505, PP22, 7233×MST,41R×MST, IC 6202, 9597, PP8. The levels of soil infestation to beet cyst nematode (Heterodra schachtii) population for first experiment was carried out in 1988 in a complete randomized block design with 4 reps. Size of experimental blocks we 2.5×7m each, having 4 rows of 50cm plants on each row were 20 com apart from each other. The first experiment was started in April and seeds were planted in soil where the temperature was 3 °C. At the end of the growing season, root yields were obtained in September. Roots from each block were weighed and data were converted to tons/ha. Pulp samples were taken and sent to Karaj Sugar Beet Seed Institute Labs, for further analysis. The results showed that the yields of Cvs, BR1 IC 6201 and polyrave were   highest and that of 9597 was lowest and the difference between them was statistically significant at the 1% level. Except Cv 9597, There were no significant differences between other Cvs. Therefore Cv. 9597 was designated as a susceptible and unsuitable sugar beet cultivar for the region. The second experiment with the same experimental design was started in May 1990 when the soil temperature was 28 °C at 10 Cm depth. The results showed that late planting caused loss of tolerance to nematodes, poor plant growth ending to total failure of the crop.
