Peer Review Process

Article acceptance

After receiving the article, the editor in Chief sends the article to one of the editorial board members for initial review and if the article was not accepted at this stage, its evaluation stops. If the article received the positive approval of the editorial board (initial review), next step begins.

- Duration of initial review is two weeks.

- All communications will be conducted with corresponding author.

- Articles with determined corresponding author will be reviewed.

- The editorial board is allowed for recommending rejection or acceptance of the article or any changes.

- Acceptance of short note, scientific reports, conference proceedings, and also cultivar introducing advertisement is possible trough introducing the editor and editor in chief acceptance.

- Corresponding author is responsible for the accuracy of the materials in article

Review process

After receiving the initial review of associate editor, the editorial board acts as follows:

- In the case of rejection, the original article is returned to the corresponding author via written letter.

- In the case of conditional acceptance, the article is returned to the corresponding author for revision.

- In the case of acceptance without revision, the following items will be done:

1- Receiving a commitment from corresponding author which indicates that the article has not been and will not be submitted simultaneously to another Journal.

2- Receiving the signatures of all authors which indicates their contribution to the article and must be posted to the Journal’s office address.

3-After these two steps, the article will be discussed at the first meeting of the editorial board and three associate editors will be selected among editorial board or from outside according to the article’s expertise demand and the then, article will be sent to them (duration of review is two weeks). In editorial board meetings, one day is reserved for each article review and in the case of delay, the article will be sent to the next associate editor.

4-Editorial board will again discuss the results of the article review and in the case of positive view by the two-thirds of the associate editors and editorial board approval, the article will be returned to the corresponding author for revision. The maximum period for revision and return of the article shall be one month.

5-After making modifications based on the review suggestions and the receive of the revised article by the editor, the article will be presented at the first meeting of the editorial board in which the final associate editor will be assigned and the revised paper will be sent for the final review accompanying by all comments (final associate editor will be selected among previous associate editors).

6-In the case of article approval by final associate editor, the article will be prepared for publication (the duration of final associate editor review is three weeks).

Note: if the final associate editor recognized that the essential revisions were not made, the article will be sent to the corresponding author for revision making and again will be sent to the final associate editor and in the case of disapproval, the article will be rejected and will be sent back to the corresponding author.

7-The articles will be reviewed in a double-blind review process.

8-The beginning time of the article review will be the time it receives by the editorial board.

9-After receiving the approval by the final associate editor and also the editorial board, the articles will be placed in press queue based on preparation date.

10-Upon article (s) approval by final associate editor and the editorial board and alignment for one volume, they will be double checked by the editor for literary editing and publication.

11-Articles which do not meet the Journal’s regulation in cases such as without determined corresponding author, without all authors signature, and without receiving corresponding author’s commitment, will not be accepted.

12-Article publication approval will be issued for authors after editorial board approval and according to most associate editor’s comments.

13- In the case of article rejection in each step, associate editor’s comments will not be sent to the authors.